Michael Behan – Wellbeing Facilitator
Hi my name is Michael Behan.
I have created a programme called ‘Just a Thought’ (JAT).
I teach people HOW to think. JAT. is based on the understanding that it is not people, life or events outside of ourselves that cause us so much anxiety and unhappiness. It is our beliefs, thoughts, and feelings about life and the world with our perceptions. Our thoughts and feelings that we are creating and we can choose to change these by understanding HOW we think!
When people understand how we create our experience of life from the inside out through the beliefs we hold about ourselves and our world. Realising we can change those beliefs, we tend not to take our thinking too seriously, our minds slow down, we reconnect with the reality of life and our overall health and wellbeing improves.
I spend most of my free time deepening my knowledge on mental health & wellbeing. I am always searching for ways to let people know they are okay. Unfortunately, it is only the innocent misuse of our own thoughts that stops us seeing this. Through the the JAT Programme we can experience invaluable insights, realising the true nature of thoughts and find peace in our natural state.